Course/Topic Development and Coordination
Flinders University CRIM3030 Criminology Industry Placement (2024)
This topic gives students the opportunity to apply their academic skills and knowledge to a real-world workplace and gain a clearer insight into the day-to-day functioning of a workplace in the criminology sector, e.g. Department for Correctional Services.
Flinders University CRIM2004 Understanding Victims and Trauma (2023, 2024)
This topic examines the origins of, and developments in, victimology. Students explore the relationship between victims and agencies of criminal justice, including police, prosecution, courts and corrections. Students will become familiar with concepts related to the identity, experiences, and rights of victims of crime. Students will learn about trauma-informed practice and effective criminal justice responses to victims of crime.
Flinders University CRIM1102 Criminal Justice System (2023)
This topic critically examines the aims and practices of agencies within the criminal justice system, with a focus on the investigation, prosecution, and adjudication of crime, as well as correctional responses. The topic explores whether, when and for whom the criminal justice system achieves ‘justice’. Finally, the topic critically assesses the effectiveness of the system using contemporary criminological/socio-legal evidence.
Flinders University CRIM3402 Advanced Criminology Research Methods and Data (2023)
An understanding of social and socio-legal research methods is highly regarded in the workplace and essential for successful completion of honours and postgraduate studies. This research methods topic brings together a range of essential research skills designed to provide students with a grounding in social science research skills. This topic will provide students with a conceptual understanding of research methodologies, practical skills in employing different research methods, and skills in analysing both quantitative and qualitative research data.
Flinders University LEGL2117 Crimes Against Populations (2022)
This topic examines crimes against specific populations. It identifies crimes against humanity, as well as describing and discussing how specific groups of people (within and beyond Australia) have been victimised and criminalised. By focussing on specific populations – by race, culture, age, gender, and capacity – the topic explains how governments (specifically institutions of law) have perpetrated crimes against populations both in Australia and abroad. Students will also be required to develop a plan (e.g., action, advocacy, awareness-raising) in response to a crime against a specific population.
Flinders University CRIM3021 Victims of Crime (2022)
This topic will explore the relationship between victims and agencies of criminal justice, including police, prosecution, courts, and corrections. Students will become familiar with concepts related to the status, roles, and rights of victims of crime. Areas of intensive study may include victims of genocide, victims of miscarriage of justice, measures of victimization, cultural views of victims/survivors.
Flinders University CRIM3303 Psychology, Crime and the Law
This topic explores the intersection of psychology and the law, specifically as psychology is applied within justice agencies, and the criminal justice system. Topics include: the role of psychologists in the correctional and justice systems, victimology, sexual and other violent offending, eyewitness testimony/identification and juror decision-making, child witnesses, psychology of law enforcement (including investigative psychology), therapeutic jurisprudence, and forensic mental health.
Student evaluations
- Kind. Responsive. Encouraging. Passionate. Clear. Approachable.
- Katherine was so supportive and very good at responding to emails and questions
- the best aspects of their teaching were very encouraged with great positivity such as effective experiences in lessons studying confidently with great knowledge
- Katherine is a fantastic tutor who is obviously very passionate about this topic.
- Katherine explained ideas/assignments very clearly and was great at facilitating class discussions. She
was always approachable and receptive to our feedback.- I thought that Katherine was a great teacher. She was knowledgeable, kind, and supported students with
their learning. The expectations for each assignment were also very clear, which was helpful.- Welcoming/approachable, good examples and in-class activities that tied back to assignments, allowed for
discussion with students – the classes felt easy to attend and each topic was an open discussion. She
clearly has an admirable passion for what she teaches 🙂- Approachable. Knowledgeable. Clear delivery of information. Supportive.
- I like that she pushed us out of comfort zones and made us do a group presentation. I hate public
speaking, but I felt all the better after it was done knowing that I had completed the task.- Katherine was always so approachable and passionate throughout the semester, you can tell she really
enjoys teaching and helping us learn.- She was kind and understanding. She brings a positive attitude into the classroom resulting in more
engaged students.- She truly cares about the students’ learning experiences and wants them to do well
- Katherine was brilliant.
UniSA UO Criminology and Public Policy
Course aim: To give students an introduction to the science of criminology and its application to Australian society, and an opportunity to consider and debate contemporary criminological issues which are of particular interest to the community and the academic world.
Course content: The extent and location of crime; the role of theory in criminology; individual and psychological explanations of crime; social explanations and interactionist explanations of crime; white collar and corporate crime; cybercrime; international crimes; policing and law enforcement; the criminal justice process and sentencing; innovative justice processes; imprisonment and detention; crime prevention theories; victimology; failures of Justice; human rights.
UniSA UO Corrections: Offender Rehabilitation and Desistance
Course aim: This course aims to explore theoretical and practical approaches to offender rehabilitation and the reduction of recidivism by Correctional Services agencies in Australia.
Course content: This course will introduce the role, function and approach of Correctional Service agencies in Australia. Students will consider and apply different offender intervention and rehabilitation approaches (risk based and strength-based) to address recidivism in practice. Students will examine evidence-based policies and practices that underpin professional practice in implementing positive change and community reintegration.
UniSA UO Youth Justice
Course aim: This course is designed to assist criminal justice students to understand the field of youth justice. This course will provide students with an understanding of the socio-historical and criminological concepts of youth justice as well as providing them with a broad understanding of the skills and competencies needed to work with young people. The theories, processes and practices of youth justice present special challenges for practitioners and policy-makers unique to working with young people. The course will explore the tension of youth justice as both a social welfare and criminal justice issue.
Course content: This course explores the concept of justice as it applies to young people, through a historical, sociological and criminological lens. Consideration will be given to different international approaches to youth justice. Criminal justice and social justice concepts will be explored, including a consideration of the social welfare system as it applies to children and young people. Particular attention is given to the skills, knowledge and interpersonal strategies required to work with and support young people in the criminal justice field.
UniSA UO Psychology of Investigative and Legal Processes
Course aim: This course aims to expand students’ knowledge of the application of psychological concepts, approaches and techniques in criminal justice (investigative and legal) processes.
Course content: This course will provide students with an understanding of the role of psychology in criminal justice processes, focusing on policing and the court system. Specifically, investigative psychology, deception, eyewitness research, jury and judicial decision-making and expert evidence are examined.
UniSA UO Victimology
Course aim: This course aims to develop students’ knowledge of the prevalence and impact of victimisation, and responses (of offenders, the criminal justice system and society more broadly) to victims of crime.
Course content: Students will examine the the historical origins and modern developments of victimology, victimisation rates, victims’ rights, relevant legislation and societal definitions to critically analyse responses to victims of crime from Australian and International perspectives. Students will apply their knowledge to model good practice responses to the impact of crime and criminal justice processes on victims.
Pursuit of Excellence in Responding to Child Abuse and Neglect in Western Australia (Australian Centre for Child Protection) (2020-21)

Professional Certificate in Understanding Childhood Trauma
This Certificate is designed to support non-specialist and early carer professionals currently working with children and young people impacted by abuse and neglect to develop a trauma-informed understanding of child abuse and neglect. The Professional Certificate in Understanding Childhood Trauma contains five topics which should take you up to 30 hours to complete. The Course is flexible and designed for you to work through the content at your own pace within a six-week period.
Professional Certificate in Assessing Childhood Trauma
Following on from Understanding Childhood Trauma, this second Certificate is designed for non-specialist professionals to develop their knowledge and skills in the assessment of children and young people who have experienced abuse and abuse-related trauma. Specifically, this course is designed to enable professionals working with children and young people who have experienced abuse and potential trauma to undertake trauma-informed assessment and to build knowledge and skills in formulation, risk assessment and safety management. The Professional Certificate in Assessing Childhood Trauma runs over a 12-week period and includes independent study and six one and a half hour interactive, online Community of Practice seminars.
Professional Certificate in Responding to Childhood Trauma
This Professional Certificate is designed to enhance the skills of the existing workforce to provide therapeutic responses to children with abuse-related simple trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder. This course specifically, aims to develop professionals’ knowledge, skills, and the application of these to provide trauma-specific therapeutic interventions to enhance outcomes for these children and young people. The Professional Certificate in Responding to Childhood Trauma is run over 12 weeks, with both independent study and interactive, online Community of Practice seminars.
Course/Topic Lecturing
Flinders University SOAD9059 Trauma and Resilience (2023)
This course is for students who have an undergraduate degree and wish to further develop their abilities and confidence to work with people who have experienced trauma. The Graduate Certificate in Trauma Responsive Practice is relevant for professionals including teachers, nurses, social workers, allied health professionals and also for youth and community workers working with people who have experienced trauma who aspire to increase their trauma informed knowledge and skills. The Graduate Certificate is not a pre-service pathway, however, this course provides opportunities for students to increase their expertise in this important practice area.
Flinders University CRIM1101 Crime and Criminology (2022)
This topic provides a basic grounding in the causes, forms and impacts of crime. In this topic students will explore:
- The phenomenon of crime, its extent and location
- Individual and social explanations for criminal behaviour
- Various types of crime
- The portrayal of crime in the Australian media
UniSA Advanced Criminal Law
This course is to build on the knowledge of criminal procedure gained in Criminal Law and Procedure and to engage in a detailed study of the law of sentencing and alternative approaches to dealing with offenders. The course examines in depth pre-trial and trial criminal procedures. The course will enable students to gain an understanding of how the fundamental right to a fair trial is applied in a contemporary context and how the triangulation of the roles of the accused, victim and society is reflected and recognised in practice.