Peer-reviewed publications (*Q1 Journals)

McLachlan, K.J. (2024). Trauma-Informed Criminal Justice: Towards a More Compassionate Criminal Justice System. Palgrave Macmillan/Springer Nature.

McLachlan, K. (submitted). Four foundational elements of trauma-informed policing. Journal of Community Safety and Well-Being.

*Malvaso, C., Day, A., McLachlan, K., & Sarre, R. (2024). Welfare, justice, child development and human rights: A review of the objects of youth justice legislation in Australia. Current Issues in Criminal Justice.

McLachlan, K.J. (2023). Trauma-informed sentencing of adults who are life-course persistent offenders. In: C. Malvaso, T.R. McGee & R. Homel (Eds.) Frontiers in Developmental and Life-Course Criminology: Methodological Innovation and Social Benefit. (pp. 115-124). Routledge.  

*Cannell, C, Silvia, A., McLachlan, K., Othman, S., Morphett, A., Maheepala, V., McCosh, C., Simic, N. & Behrend, M.B. (2023). Developing research writer identity and wellbeing in a doctoral writing group. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 47(8), 1106-1123.

McLachlan, K.J. (2023). Trauma-informed sentencing: How sentencing judges (do and could) use information about child sexual abuse victimization and subsequent trauma in adult defendants’ lives. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse. (Online First).

*McLachlan, K.J. (2023). Using a trauma-informed practice framework to operationalise the #raisetheage campaign. Current Issues in Criminal Justice. (Online First).

McLachlan, K. (2023). Applying a Trauma-Informed Practice Framework to Sentencing. In: H. Maki, M. Florestal, M. McCallum, & J.K. Wright (Eds.) Trauma-Informed Law: A Primer for Practicing Lawyers and a Pathway for Resilience and Healing. American Bar Association.

Day, A., Malvaso, C.G., Butcher, L., O’Connor, J. & McLachlan, K. (2023). Co-producing trauma-informed Youth Justice in Australia? Safer Communities. 22(2), 106-120. 

*McLachlan, K.J. (2022). Trauma-Informed Sentencing in South Australian Courts. Journal of Criminology, 55(4), 495 – 513.

McLachlan, K.J. (2022). Using a trauma-informed practice framework to examine how South Australian judges respond to trauma in the lives of Aboriginal defendants. Journal of Qualitative Criminal Justice & Criminology, 11(2), 181 – 210.

McLachlan, K.J. (2021). Same, same or different? Is trauma-informed sentencing a form of therapeutic jurisprudence? 25(1) European Journal of Current Legal Issues 738.

McLachlan, K. (2021). ‘Whether the victim wishes the offender to be released or not is unimportant’: Australia and New Zealand Parole Board members’ views of the role of victims of crime. Criminal Law Journal, 45(2), 122-133.

Byrne M.K., Byrne, S.E., Hillman, K. & Stanley, E. (2001). Offender risk and needs assessment: some current issues and suggestions. Behavior Change, 18(1), 18-27.


The Magnolia Project and Aboriginal Legal Rights Movement (SA) (2023). A Practice Guide for Preparing Mental Health Pre-Sentence Reports with Aboriginal People in the South Australian Criminal Justice System. The Magnolia Project.

Day, A., Ross, S. & McLachlan, K. (2021). The Effectiveness of Minimum Non-Parole Period Schemes for Serious Violent, Sexual and Drug Offenders and Evidence-Based Approaches to Community Protection, Deterrence, and Rehabilitation. Report prepared for the Queensland Sentencing Advisory Council.

Day, A., Ross, S. & McLachlan, K. (2021). Technical Report: Scoping Review Methodology and Results of the Report on the Effectiveness of Minimum Non-Parole Period Schemes. Report prepared for the Queensland Sentencing Advisory Council.

Crime and Public Integrity Policy Committee (2015). Annual Review of the Crime and Public Integrity Policy Committee into Public Integrity and The Independent Commissioner Against Corruption. Parliament of South Australia.